About Buying Everclear 190 Proof Alcohol in Iowa

"Everclear®," widely recognized as a term for "high-proof alcohol," is frequently searched for by thousands in Iowa who require 200 proof food grade ethanol for various non-beverage applications. Despite the high demand, Iowa laws restrict the sale of "Everclear" in retail stores, leaving many to wonder, "Where to buy Everclear 190 proof alcohol near me?"
The information on this page aims to clarify the regulations prohibiting the sale of Everclear in Iowa and outline legal alternatives for those seeking 190 proof alcohol for purposes such as creating herbal tinctures, extracts, organic food coloring, concentrates, edible decorations, perfumes, body products, room sprays, disinfectants, sanitizers (hand or kitchen), and other craft-related applications.
About Buying Everclear 190 Proof Alcohol in Iowa
Iowa rules regulating the sale of alcoholic beverages prohibit the sale of Everclear 190 proof alcohol on store shelves in Iowa. Iowa does allow for the sale of Everclear alcohol bottled at 151 proof (75.5% ABV).
What Are the Alternatives to Everclear in Iowa
If your project or recipe calls for Everclear, and you can't buy Everclear in Iowa, what are your options? Learn more about finding alternatives to Everclear by understanding these important properties:
1.) "Everclear" Means "High-Proof, Undenatured Ethyl Alcohol"
When your recipe specifies Everclear, it's essentially requiring pure ethyl alcohol. Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is the sole type of alcohol that is safe for consumption.
2.) "High-Proof" Means 190 or Above
The cap for distilling alcohol at atmospheric pressure, due to basic chemistry limitations, has historically been 190 proof (95% ABV). However, advancements like ceramic filters, designed to physically separate water molecules from 190-proof ethanol, now make it possible to produce food-safe 200 proof food grade ethanol. When recipes specify "Everclear" or "high-proof alcohol," obtaining the highest proof available is ideal. Yet, the significance of choosing "undenatured" 200 proof alcohol for such applications cannot be overstated.
3.) "Undenatured" Means Pure Ethyl Alcohol
"Undenatured" signifies that the alcohol solution is free of any additives or denaturants, consisting solely of ethyl alcohol and water. Everclear falls into this category as undenatured alcohol. In contrast, alcohol solutions with added substances are labeled as "denatured alcohol." These additives are introduced to deter consumption, which in turn subjects them to lower tax rates. Never substitute Everclear with "denatured alcohol". Always check labels or listings for the words "food grade" or "undenatured/non-denatured".
Where to buy pure, 200-proof food grade ethanol in Iowa?
Buying 200 proof food grade ethanol in Iowa is quick and easy from CulinarySolvent.com. Use the links below to browse, no permit required to ship to Iowa residents or businesses via FedEx Ground or UPS Ground.
- 200 Proof Food Grade Ethanol
- USDA Certified Organic 200 Proof Ethanol
- Perfumers Alcohol by Culinary Solvent
- Bulk Jugs and Drums
Still Uncertain? Visit our step-by-step guide on how to buy food grade ethanol in Iowa direct from the distillery in Maine.
*Everclear is a registered trademark of Luxco, Inc. Culinary Solvent is not affiliated with Everclear or Luxco, Inc.