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Find answers to our most frequently asked questions using the links to the dedicated topic pages below!
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Answers for Herbalists and Apothecaries
For detailed answers to questions about using food grade ethanol for herbalists and apothecaries making herbal or botanical tinctures or extracts, see our Guide For Herbalists and Apothecaries or visit our blog dedicated to Alcohol for Herbalists.
Yes. Culinary Solvent is pure food grade ethanol, containing zero additives, just pure ethyl alcohol and is safe for tinctures or extracts intended for human consumption.
Yes. Culinary Solvent is food grade ethanol and safe for consumption.
Answers for Chefs and Bakers
For answers to questions about using 200 proof food grade ethanol for chefs, bakers, or cooking recipes making flavor extracts, confections, edible decorations or other culinary applications including food safe disinfectant for countertops and equipment components, see our Guide For Chefs and Bakers or visit our blog dedicated to Alcohol for Cooking.
Yes, pure food grade ethanol from CulinarySolvent.com is the safe to consume for flavor extracts like vanilla, mint, chocolate, coffee, and more.
While both Everclear and Culinary Solvent are non-denatured, additive-free, pure food grade ethyl alcohol (ethanol) products, safe for human consumption and produced in the United States from 100% corn, the difference between these two options comes down to how they are made.
Culinary Solvent is distilled using a pot still. Pot stills utilize a fixed batch size, which results in higher quality production and end result. Here's how: a pot still allows for controlled operation during distilling. The distiller is able to isolate the "heads" and "tails" of the distillation run (the very first and very last batches), saving only the purest "hearts" to be bottled up and sold. The heads and tails, while still ethanol and still safe for consumption, are not nearly as high in quality as the hearts, and using the heads and tails can result in mixed or poorer quality of each bottled product. By only bottling and using the hearts of a distillation run, the final product is supremely neutral in aroma and flavor profile.
Everclear is distilled using a industrial scale reflux column still. This type of still is incredibly cost-effective when producing massive amounts of ethanol. However, due to the large output these stills can produce, the end result is of lesser quality and can come in a mixed or weaker aroma and flavor profile.
While both a pot still and column still work for making ethanol, only small-scale pot stills with fixed batches are capable of refining the collected ethanol into a supremely neutral character profile. Culinary Solvent is the only food grade ethanol that is distilled using a pot still.
Click here to compare Culinary Solvent and Everclear.
Yes. Culinary Solvent is food grade and completely safe for human consumption. You can use Culinary Solvent in a variety of ways in the kitchen. See our "Alcohol for Chefs - Beginner Guide" for more information.
Vegan: Yes. Culinary Solvent is free of any and all animal products.
Gluten-free: Yes. The distillation process removes proteins, including gluten, from the ethanol.
Kosher: No, Culinary Solvent is not currently kosher certified. Read more here.
Halal: Undetermined. Due to the conflicting perspectives on this topic, we cannot confirm whether Culinary Solvent is halal. Read more here.
See our dietary restrictions page for more information.
Answers for Perfumers
For detailed answers to questions about using pure 200 proof ethyl alcohol (food grade ethanol) for perfumers making SIY perfumes, colognes, body sprays, room sprays, or other aromatherapy uses, see our Guide to Perfumers Alcohol or visit our blog dedicated to Alcohol for Perfumers.
In small volumes, Culinary Solvent does not give off any odors. However, as pure ethanol, there is a slight alcohol smell to larger amounts. The distillation process makes the odor minimal and as neutral as possible.
As far as taste, Culinary Solvent has the slightest hint of sweetness in an otherwise neutral flavor.
Our distilling process emphasizes producing the most neutral smelling and tasting ethanol solvent available.
Yes, pure ethyl alcohol from CulinarySolvent.com is safe to use on your skin.
Answers for Crafters and Artisans
For detailed answers to questions about using food grade ethanol for artisans, crafters, hobbyists, artists, or other DIY enthusiasts, including making your own homemade hand sanitizer or surface disinfectant recipes, see our Guide to Alcohol for Makers, or visit our blog dedicated to Alcohol for Makers.
No, Culinary Solvent is pure food-grade ethyl alcohol, containing no additives or denaturants.
Non-denatured ethyl alcohol (ethanol) can be used to substitute denatured ethanol in any receipe. Choose the highest proof available, either 200 or 190 (100% ABV or 95% ABV, respectfully). Ethanol with a higher water content than 5% (anything less than 95% ABV) may not provide the same results or can affect your project in other ways.
However, denatured alcohol CANNOT be substituted for non-denatured alcohol ever! Denatured ethanol contains toxic additives (denaturants) that render the ethanol not safe for human consumption. While not all projects calling for non-denatured ethanol will be physically consumed, if a recipe is calling for non-denatured ethanol, follow the recipe to avoid any degree of toxic exposure.
Read more about denatured and non-denatured alcohol here.
Yes. Culinary Solvent is completely non-toxic.
Answers about Cannabis Tinctures and Extracts
For detailed answers to questions about using 200 proof food grade ethanol for cannabis tinctures and concentrates, including tincture recipes, decarboxylation, and various methods of reducing tincture into a potent cannabis concentrate, see our Guide to Cannabis Tinctures and Concentrates.
No. Isopropyl alcohol is unsafe for human consumption and it is less effective. Most isopropyl solvents are only available at 70% alcohol by volume (ABV).
Both our 200 proof (100% ABV) and 190 proof (95% ABV) Culinary Solvent are safe for human consumption and more effective in extractions due to their higher ABVs.
Yes, 200 proof food grade ethanol is the premier choice when making cannabis tinctures or concentrates.
Questions about the Food Grade Ethanol from CulinarySolvent.com
Questions About Placing Your Order
No. As the federal excise tax varies by state, we are unable to incorporate this total cost into our pricing ahead of time.
For more information, see our page about federal excise taxes.
At this time we do not operate a retail store out of our distillery, all orders for Culinary Solvent food grade ethanol must be placed online at CulinarySolvent.com. Local customers can choose "Pickup Order At Distillery" as a free shipping option if they wish to pickup there order vs have it shipped.
Yes, tracking numbers are provided for all orders.
Most Popular Frequently Asked Questions
Shipping Inquiries
See our shipping map for permits and/or regulations about ethanol impacting your state.
All orders shipped from CulinarySolvent.com will require the signature of an adult over the age of 21 for successful delivery.
Questions about Terms, Properties, Uses, and Containers of Food Grade Alcohol
Don't see your question below? Visit our Food Grade Ethanol 101 page for more information on terms, properties, and uses.