Evaporated Alcohol Tincture Concentrate Images and Expanded Information
By following certain recipes and steps, the cannabinoids present on cannabis flower can be concentrated into a potent, more pure form. Concentrates unlock new, healthier (no smoking) ways to consume cannabis.

DIY Cannabis Concentrates from Alcohol Tinctures
Making cannabis concentrates does not require special equipment like a roto Vap, short path setup, or vacuum oven. Read more about how to build your own AVA (Alcohol Vanishing Apparatus) using a box fan and other household supplies. AVA , capable of evaporating away the alcohol in a cannabis tincture leaving behind a potent cannabis concentrate.
What do evaporated alcohol tincture cannabis concentrates look like?
Examples of some of the cannabis concentrate final results made by evaporating the alcohol out of a 3 minute quick wash alcohol tincture. View more photos on my Instagram feed https://instagram.com/culinarysolvent.