How to Choose Cannabis for Tincture using 200 Proof Food Grade Ethanol
Making cannabis tincture is a straightforward process, but selecting the right cannabis is just as important as choosing high-quality 200 proof food grade ethanol as your solvent. The final tincture will only be as good as the starting materials, making it crucial to choose cannabis that is rich in trichomes and properly cured. Whether you're new to tincture-making or looking to refine your process, this guide will help you select the best cannabis for making potent and effective tinctures.
What is the Best Cannabis to Use for Making Tinctures?
The golden rule of tincture-making is simple: "Junk in = Junk out." The higher the quality of cannabis and ethanol used, the better the resulting tincture. While the specific strain of cannabis you choose will determine which cannabinoids and terpenes are present, the most important factor is the concentration of trichomes on the plant material. Trichomes are where cannabinoids like THC and CBD are found, making them the key to producing a potent extract.
What Are Trichomes and Why Do They Matter?
Trichomes are the tiny, resinous glands found on the outside of cannabis plants. These microscopic structures contain all of the plant’s cannabinoids and terpenes. Without trichomes, there are no cannabinoids in your tincture.
Where Are Trichomes Found?
Trichomes exist on all parts of the cannabis plant, including the flowers (buds), sugar leaves, and sometimes the stems. However, they are most densely concentrated on the cola flowers of female cannabis plants. -
Are Cannabinoids Inside the Plant?
No, cannabinoids are not found inside the leaves, stems, or roots of the plant. Unlike caffeine in tea leaves, cannabinoids exist solely in the trichomes on the plant’s surface. -
Can You Use Cannabis Stems or Seeds for Tincture?
No, stems and seeds do not contain cannabinoids and will not contribute to a potent tincture.
What Part of the Cannabis Plant Should You Use for Tinctures?
The best part of the cannabis plant for tincture-making is the flower buds, where trichomes are most concentrated. However, sugar leaves and trim can also be used effectively.
Best Choices for Cannabis Tinctures
✅ Cola Flower Buds – The most trichome-rich part of the plant, yielding the most potent tincture.
✅ Trim and Sugar Leaves – These smaller leaves near the buds also contain trichomes and can be used for tinctures.
What to Avoid
❌ Fan Leaves & Large Stems – Low in trichomes, these will produce weak tinctures.
❌ Seeds – Contain no cannabinoids and should be removed before extraction.
Many growers reserve their best buds for smoking and use trim and lower-quality buds for making tinctures, ensuring no cannabinoids go to waste.
Can You Use Fresh Cannabis for Tinctures?
No, fresh cannabis should not be used for tinctures because it contains too much water. Cannabis must be properly dried and cured before extraction with 200 proof food grade ethanol. If fresh cannabis is used, the excess moisture will dilute the ethanol, reducing shelf life and potentially leading to microbial contamination.
Does Indica or Sativa Make a Better Tincture?
There is no inherent difference between indica and sativa strains when making tinctures. The only effect the strain has is on the cannabinoid and terpene profile, meaning your tincture will reflect the strain’s natural properties.
Both indica and sativa strains are excellent choices for tinctures when they contain high concentrations of trichomes.
Can You Use Hemp for Tinctures?
Yes! Hemp can be used to create tinctures, especially for high-CBD extractions. The same principles apply—choose hemp with a high concentration of trichomes in properly cured cola flowers to ensure potency.
Hemp is an excellent choice for making cannabis tinctures.
Can You Make Cannabis Tincture from Concentrates?
Yes, cannabis concentrates like keif, bubble hash, sifted trichomes, shatter, and budder can be dissolved directly into food grade ethanol to make tinctures.
- Keif and hash require straining to remove plant matter.
- Shatter, budder, and distillate dissolve completely, creating a smooth, highly concentrated tincture.
Using pre-extracted cannabis concentrates eliminates the need for long soak times since the cannabinoids are already in their pure form.
Can You Use Old Cannabis for Tinctures?
Yes! Properly stored cannabis from last year’s harvest (or older) can still be used for tinctures. However, cannabis must be stored correctly to prevent moisture buildup and mold growth.
As long as the cannabis remains dry and mold-free, it will make an effective tincture.
Can You Use Moldy Cannabis for Tinctures?
No. Moldy cannabis should never be used for tincture-making. While alcohol is an effective germicide, it does not kill mold spores, meaning your tincture could become contaminated.
Using moldy cannabis will result in a poor-tasting, low-quality tincture that could contain harmful mycotoxins.
Does Cannabis Need to Be Decarboxylated Before Making Tincture?
Yes, if you want the psychoactive effects of cannabinoids like THC, decarboxylation is required before making a tincture.
- Why? Cannabinoids exist in their acidic form (THCA, CBDA) in raw cannabis, which are non-psychoactive.
- Decarboxylation uses heat to convert these acids into their active forms (THC, CBD).
Since 200 proof food grade ethanol does not get hot enough to decarboxylate cannabinoids during extraction, this step must be done beforehand.
Read our complete guide on how to decarboxylate cannabis before tincture-making here.