A Journey through Ayurvedic Herbalism

Ayurvedic herbalist in a vibrant garden

The history of Ayurveda takes us to the Indian subcontinent over a millennium ago. Its contributions to modern herbalism and naturopathy are significant and far-reaching. While food grade ethanol is a staple of modern herbalism, this blog will guide you through the profound practices and techniques that define Ayurveda and its influence on contemporary wellness. 

Ayurveda, "the science of life," is a holistic healing system established more than 5000 years ago in India. However, it was in the last 1000 years that Ayurveda truly flourished, transforming healthcare with its unique approach towards body, mind, and spirit.

Tridosha Theory

Central to Ayurveda is the Tridosha theory, which proposes that every individual is a unique combination of three doshas or life energies: Vata (air & space), Pitta (fire & water), and Kapha (water & earth). Understanding one's predominant dosha enables personalized treatment and prevention strategies. This personalized approach resonates with modern naturopathy's emphasis on individualized care.

Herbal Pharmacopoeia

Ayurveda's herbal pharmacopoeia is extensive. From potent spices like turmeric and ginger to rejuvenating herbs like ashwagandha and amalaki, Ayurveda's treasure trove of plant-based remedies offers a diverse palette for contemporary herbalists. Today, many Ayurvedic herbs have become mainstream in the wellness world.


This ancient cleansing and rejuvenation technique is designed to detoxify the body and restore balance. The five therapeutic procedures involve purgation, emesis, enema, nasal administration, and blood purification. These practices, especially detoxification, align with naturopathy's emphasis on cleansing and holistic health.

Diet and Lifestyle

In Ayurveda, diet and lifestyle are integral to health and wellbeing. The system promotes a seasonal, balanced diet and healthy routines, like regular exercise and adequate sleep. These principles reflect in naturopathy's focus on diet and lifestyle as vital elements of health.

Mind-Body Practices

Ayurveda's stress on mind-body balance predates modern integrative medicine. Techniques like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises are critical components of Ayurvedic healing. Today, these practices have gained worldwide recognition for promoting mental and physical wellness.


Ayurveda's profound impact on modern herbalism and naturopathy cannot be overstated. Its time-tested practices and comprehensive approach towards health resonate in today's wellness landscape. It's an enduring legacy of ancient wisdom tailored for modern life.

Alcohol for Herbalists Guide

Everything to know about buying and using food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures, botanical extractions, and more.

Alcohol for Herbalists Guide

All About Alcohol for Cannabis Tinctures

Tips, techniques, best practices for making quick and potent tinctures use cannabis and hemp flower.

Cannabis Tincture Guide

How to buy food grade alcohol for making tincture.

Buying pure, food grade alcohol for tinctures online is quick and easy. Use the "buy" link at the top of the page, or view our step-by-step guide here.

Step by Step Guide
Ready to get to making herbal tinctures with 200 proof food grade alcohol? Ready to get to making herbal tinctures with 200 proof food grade ethanol?

Ready to start
making tinctures?

Step 1: Buy Culinary Solvent

Ideal for tinctures, and so much more...