Homemade Yuzu Extract Recipe using 200 Proof Food Grade Ethanol
The culinary world is filled with exciting and unique flavors, waiting to be discovered and harnessed in your home kitchen. One such hidden gem is yuzu, a citrus fruit that's not as well-known as its lemon or orange cousins, but packs a flavor punch that's equally delightful. In this blog post, we'll explore yuzu, its unique characteristics, and how to create your very own yuzu extract using 200 proof food grade ethanol.
The Uniqueness of Yuzu
Native to East Asia, yuzu is a hybrid between the mandarin orange and the ichang papeda. It's a small fruit, about the size of a tangerine, with an uneven, rough exterior that ranges from yellow to deep orange when fully ripe.
Yuzu's taste is as unique as its appearance. It's tart, resembling grapefruit with an undercurrent of mandarin orange. But it's yuzu's aroma that truly sets it apart. The fragrance is floral, a lovely mix of mandarin and lime, with a hint of lavender. This intoxicating aroma has made it a star ingredient in high-end perfumery and gastronomy.
Selecting Your Yuzus For Extraction Recipes
When selecting yuzus for your extract, look for fruits that are firm with a bright, unblemished skin. If you can, give them a sniff. A fresh yuzu will emit its characteristic floral-citrus fragrance even through the skin. Remember, the more aromatic the fruit, the more flavorful your extract will be.
Storing Your Yuzu Extract
To maintain the freshness and potency of your yuzu extract, store it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. If stored correctly, it can remain fresh for up to two years.
Yuzu is an exotic citrus fruit that brings a distinct and exciting flavor profile to any dish it graces. With your homemade yuzu extract, you can now easily infuse this unique citrus essence into your dishes and explore a new culinary adventure.