Crafting Potent Herbal Liniments with 200 Proof Food Grade Alcohol

Herbal Liniments, Crafting Potent Herbal Liniments with Food Grade Alcohol - Culinary Solvent

Topical solutions, such as herbal liniments, have long been used by herbalists and naturopaths to harness the therapeutic properties of plants. A key ingredient in creating these powerful topical solutions is a high-quality solvent like's 200 proof food grade alcohol. In this blog post, we'll discuss the various benefits of using food grade alcohol in your herbal liniments and guide you through the process of making your own.

Benefits of Using Food Grade Alcohol in Herbal Liniments

  1. Efficient extraction: 200 proof food grade alcohol effectively extracts the active compounds from herbs and other therapeutic ingredients, resulting in a potent and concentrated liniment.
  2. Rapid absorption: Food grade alcohol facilitates the rapid absorption of the therapeutic ingredients into the skin, ensuring maximum effectiveness.
  3. Purity and safety: Culinary Solvent's food grade alcohol is free from harmful additives and contaminants, ensuring that your herbal liniments are safe for topical application.
  4. Preservation: The high alcohol content in 200 proof food grade alcohol acts as a natural preservative, extending the shelf life of your liniments and preventing bacterial or fungal growth.

How to Make an Herbal Liniment with 200 Proof Food Grade Alcohol

  • Step 1: Choose your herbs and therapeutic ingredients, such as essential oils or other plant extracts, based on the desired therapeutic properties.
  • Step 2: Finely chop or grind the herbs to increase the surface area for optimal extraction.
  • Step 3: Place the herbs and other therapeutic ingredients in a clean, airtight glass jar.
  • Step 4: Pour's 200 proof food grade alcohol over the herbs, ensuring that they are completely submerged.
  • Step 5: Seal the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place for 2-4 weeks, shaking it daily to ensure proper extraction.
  • Step 6: After the infusion period, strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth, squeezing out as much liquid as possible.
  • Step 7: Transfer the strained liniment to a clean glass bottle or jar and label it with the ingredients and date.


Herbal Liniments, Crafting Potent Herbal Liniments with Food Grade Alcohol - Culinary Solvent


Elevate your herbal practice and create potent, effective herbal liniments with's 200 proof food grade alcohol. Visit to order your supply and experience the difference our food grade alcohol can make in your topical solutions. Whether you're an experienced herbalist or a naturopathic newcomer, our food grade alcohol is the ideal solvent for creating powerful herbal liniments.

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