FDA Issues Warnings and Recalls on Improper Dangerous Hand Sanitizers

The FDA has announced another recall of hand sanitizers, this time focusing on sanitizers that were mixed and imported from Mexico.  According to CBSNews.com, "More than half of hand sanitizers imported from Mexico contain dangerous levels of toxic ingredients and should not be used by consumers".  The FDA recommends that customers discard the potentially toxic imported sanitizers immediately.

What brands of hand sanitizer have been recalled?

A list of FDA recalled hand sanitizer brands can be found on the FDA.gov hand sanitizer recall list website.

Does Culinary Solvent supply ethanol to any hand sanitizer brands that have been recalled?

No.  Culinary Solvent is not connected to any hand sanitizer recalls.  Because we only make and sell one thing (pure, non-denatured ethyl alcohol), customers can have the utmost confidence that their pure food grade ethanol is the safest alcohol for human consumption or human application (ie topical rub of sanitizer on the skin).

Where can I learn more about the FDA's recall actions for toxic hand sanitizer ingredients?

View this list of archived news articles documenting the FDA's recall actions on hand sanitizer with toxic ingredients.

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