Unleashing Nature’s Potential: Crafting Pine Resin Tincture with 200 Proof Food Grade Alcohol

pine resin sap for tincture recipe - Culinary Solvent

Exploring the world of herbal tinctures opens up a new path to personal wellness. This blog post guides you through the process of creating a tincture using pine resin and 200 Proof Food Grade Alcohol. We’ll delve into the unique properties of pine resin and outline the steps to select top-quality resin for your tincture.

Pine Resin: A Nature’s Blessing

Pine resin, also known as pine pitch, is a sticky substance secreted by pine trees when their bark is damaged. This natural sealant is rich in terpenes, particularly pinene and limonene, making it a powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory agent. Pine resin has been used for centuries to aid wound healing, soothe respiratory ailments, and improve skin health.

When converted into a tincture, these potent properties can be readily integrated into a health and wellness regimen, making pine resin a valuable resource for any herbalist or home apothecary. 

Choosing Pine Resin

Obtaining high-quality pine resin is the cornerstone of a beneficial tincture. Keep the following pointers in mind:

  1. Color: Fresh pine resin ranges from clear to a deep amber color. Over time, exposed resin can darken, but this doesn’t indicate a loss in quality.
  2. Consistency: Pine resin should be sticky and pliable. Dry or crumbly resin may be old and less potent.
  3. Source: Always choose wild harvested or organically sourced pine resin to avoid any chemical contaminants.

Creating Your Pine Resin Tincture: An In-Depth Recipe

Crafting a pine resin tincture is a simple and rewarding task. For this recipe, you will need 1 gram of pine resin and 2 fluid ounces of 200 Proof Food Grade Alcohol.


  • 1 gram pine resin
  • 2 fluid ounces 200 Proof Food Grade Alcohol


  1. Prepare your materials: Sanitize your jar and dropper bottle to make sure they are free from contaminants.
  2. Combine your ingredients: In your jar, mix the pine resin and food grade alcohol. Make sure the resin is completely immersed in the alcohol.
  3. Seal and Store: Securely seal your jar and store it in a cool, dark place for maceration. During this time, the alcohol will draw out the therapeutic compounds from the pine resin.
  4. Shake: Shake the jar gently every day for the next 4-6 weeks to facilitate the extraction process.
  5. Strain: After the maceration period, strain the mixture using a cheesecloth, making sure to squeeze out every last drop of the tincture.
  6. Bottle: Decant your pine resin tincture into a dropper bottle for ease of use. Store in a cool, dark place.

Making a pine resin tincture using 200 Proof Food Grade Alcohol is a fantastic way to harness the medicinal properties of this natural resource. With its array of benefits and the simplicity of its preparation, a pine resin tincture is a valuable addition to any herbalist's or apothecary's collection.

Alcohol for Herbalists Guide

Everything to know about buying and using food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures, botanical extractions, and more.

Alcohol for Herbalists Guide

All About Alcohol for Cannabis Tinctures

Tips, techniques, best practices for making quick and potent tinctures use cannabis and hemp flower.

Cannabis Tincture Guide

How to buy food grade alcohol for making tincture.

Buying pure, food grade alcohol for tinctures online is quick and easy. Use the "buy" link at the top of the page, or view our step-by-step guide here.

Step by Step Guide
Buy food grade ethanol here from CulinarySolvent.com Shop here for Cculinary Solvent food grade alcohol from CulinarySolvent.com

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